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Isabella Goloversic

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nn','areas/music/views/radioDialog':'n','areas/music/views/media/_songSquare':'ntvar songLink = '',ntttoolTipAttribute = ';nn if(songSquare.songUrl)nttsongLink = songSquare.songUrl;nt else nttsongLink =;ntnn if(songSquare.size 'small' songSquare.size 'medium')ntttoolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip' ;ntnntvar classes = 'song mediaSquare';ntif(songSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + songSquare.size;ntntif(songSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnnnn
Checking file system on c . 8tracks offers the best radio online. Listen to a selection of playlists curated by people who know and love isabella goloversic music. Isabella Goloversic. Allen test papers pdf 2019 neet admit . Lyrics, co-producer. 7 She Is Young, She Is Beautiful, She Is Next 5:04 8 Humans Are Such Easy Prey 4:22 9 Minuit 6:17 feat. Dead Astronauts. Hard Wired (Feat. Memory Ghost's Isabella Goloversic) 7. She is Young, She is Beautiful, She is Next 8. Humans Are Such Easy Prey 9. Dead Astronauts) 10. Satanic Rites 11. Complete Domination (Feat. Carpenter Brut) 12. Dangerous Days . Isabella Goloversic) From the very first time I saw your face, I knew Though I never told you so And when I looked into your eyes I couldn't help but see You knew it too Where your heart was sure to go Don't deny We could find a place where We belong We have wasted We've been wasting all this time I have waited. Perturbator - Hard Wired (feat. Isabella Goloversic) Lyrics. You can hang on to me if you don't know I'll take you down the line Don't you move too fast but don't go too slow I want your love t. ' draggable='true'n ' = toolTipAttribute n - play('song', n if (songSquare.size != 'medium' songSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') n - connect('song',, songSquare.connections locals.connections) n n ' /n if ( songSquare.size ! 'small') n EXPLICIT n n nn if(!songSquare.hideMetaInfo)n 'n n '= n if( songSquare.size 'small') Explicit n n - n n n ','areas/music/views/media/_albumSquare':'ntvar albumLink = '', artistLink = '', toolTipAttribute = ', albumImageUrl = albumSquare.album.imageUrl;nn if(albumSquare.albumUrl)n albumLink = albumSquare.albumUrl;n else nttalbumLink = albumSquare.album.albumUrl;ntnn if(albumSquare.artistLink)n artistLink =albumSquare.artistLinkn else if(albumSquare.album.artistId typeof(links) != 'undefined') nttartistLink = albumSquare.album.artistUrl;ntnntif(albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium')nt toolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip';n if(!albumSquare.showMetaInfo) albumSquare.showMetaInfo = 'none';ntnntvar classes = 'album mediaSquare';ntif(albumSquare.size) nttclasses += ' ' + albumSquare.size;ntntif(albumSquare.inline)nttclasses += ' inline';ntnn if(!albumSquare.notUseCommonHelper (albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium'))n n albumImageUrl = common.helpers.albumImage(albumSquare.album, '70x70');n nn' itemtype='' draggable='true'nt'nt' = toolTipAttribute ntt- play('album', albumSquare.album) ntt if (albumSquare.size != 'medium' albumSquare.size != 'small' typeof(connect) != 'undefined') nttt- connect('album', albumSquare.album, albumSquare.connections locals.connections) ntt nnntt' /ntt if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size ! 'small') nttt EXPLICIT ntt ntnntnt if(!(albumSquare.showMetaInfo (albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'none' albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended'))) ntt 'nttt n ' itemprop='name'= albumSquare.album.title n if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit albumSquare.size 'small') Explicit n nttt if (albumSquare.album.artistId) ntttt' class='artist-name' itemprop='byArtist'= albumSquare.album.artistName nttt else ntttt- albumSquare.album.artistId nttt ntt Isabella Goloversic Photos nt nnnnn if(albumSquare.showMetaInfo albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended') nt Isabella Goloversic Model ntt nttt Released nttt -, 'mmm dd, yyyy') nnttt Recorded nttt -, 'yyyy') nnttt if(albumSquare.album.genreName albumSquare.album.genreName.length 0) ntttt Genre ntttt = albumSquare.album.genreName nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.displayLabel albumSquare.album.displayLabel.length 0) ntttt Label ntttt = albumSquare.album.displayLabel nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.tones albumSquare.album.tones.length 0) ntttt Moods ntttt - albumSquare.album.tones.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.styles albumSquare.album.styles.length 0) ntttt Styles ntttt - albumSquare.album.styles.join(', ') nttt nnttt if(albumSquare.album.themes albumSquare.album.themes.length 0) ntttt Themes ntttt - albumSquare.album.themes.join(', ') nttt ntt nt n ','common/views/generic/postcontrol':' Isabella Goloversic Pizza ntif((context.features.isMentionProfileEnabled locals.enableMentions) !locals.disableMentions) ntt Isabella Goloversic ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' contenteditable='true' class='textarea'= locals.text ' nt else ntt ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder='' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n placeholder=' ' - ? 'id=' + + '' : ' = ? 'name=' + + '' : ' - locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' = locals.text ' nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_song':' locals.foreach(function(song) n
n if(song.imageurl) ntt' / nt nt nttif(song.nowplaying) current song ntt = song.title
= song.artistname nt n n)n','common/views/generic/superpost/_location':' locals.foreach(function(item) n
n = item.locationnamewithhierarchy n n ) n','common/views/generic/superpost/_share':' if(locals.type 'profilestatus') nt ntt
- locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt = locals.owner ntt nt ntnelsent if (locals.imageurl) nttif (locals.inline) ntt -1 ? ' collage' : ' 'nttt locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /nttt ); ntt ntt else ntt' /ntt nt nt nttif (locals.inline) ntt
nttt = locals.title if (locals.owner) - = locals.owner ntttntt ntt else ntt = locals.title nttif (locals.owner) nttt
= locals.owner ntt ntt ntt remove nt nn','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':' var hasimage = locals.images locals.images.length 0 0;n nt if(hasimage) ntntnt ntt
= locals.title ' ntt
' class='linkurl'= locals.hostname ' ntt if(hasimage) ntt
ntttntttntttnttt choose a thumbnail ntt ntt
nttt nttttno thumbnailnttt ntt ntt nt n n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':' var ispublicprofilelist = false; n locals.foreach(function(mention, index) n if(!mention.connected !ispublicprofilelist) nttispublicprofilelist = true; nt if (index ! 0) nt
also on myspace nt nttnttn
' -formatter.attributify(mention)- index 0 ? 'class='selected' : ' n if(mention.profileimage) ntt' / nt nt ntt
= mention.fullname ntt
= mention.username nt n n)n','common/views/_linkembeddialog':' var coverimages = options.imageurl.split(','); n nt ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' ' href='- options.url 'nttt coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) ntttt'nttt ); nttntt nttt '= options.title nttt'= options.artistname ntt nt nt ntt nttt nttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'nttt ntt ntt if (options.iframe) nttt 'ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt ntttt if (options.resizable) nttttt nttttttntttttt h:' nttttt ntttt nttt ntt ntt if (options.miniplayer) nttt ntttt ntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'ntttt nttt ntt nt nt if (options.iframe options.sizeoptions) nttnt n ','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':' n = video.title n n
plays = (video.stats video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 plays n n nt if (video.decorateddescription) n t- video.decorateddescription n else n t- video.description n n ','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':' var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; n 1 ? ' collage' : ' - mix.mediacount 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' 'nt'ntt- play('mixtape', mix) ntt imageurl imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) nttt' /ntt ) ntnt ntt '= mix.title ntt'= mix.owner nt n n','areas/discover/views/shared/_articlehead':' nt '- article.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':' nt '= link.title ntn n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'nt close nt n t share this song n t nt ntt
ntttsign in to share on myspace.
ntttyou can also share on facebook and nntt ntttntt nt n
broken image